Please Read Description

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Author wlukach
Tags author:wlukach incomplete rated
Created 2006-04-06
Last Modified 2006-04-06
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description Hello all. I\\\'m not sure if you know who I am, but I\\\'ve been on Numa for a few months now. I\\\'ve enjoyed my stay, but last night, someone rated every single one of my maps 0. . . 3 times. I went from being #12 (which I probably did not deserve), to being in the hundreds. I began N because I wanted to learn how to make maps, and now I have, and I will continue to do so, with the mentoring of a few NUMA members. However, as of now, all my maps are be deleted. I may come back in a month or two, but every single one of them will be deleted. I am tired of making maps for fun, and having assholes rate them down. I\\\'m not gonna tribute anyone, but those of you who helped me, I am very grateful.

One last word, everyone please tell Arachnid that Holdeddie is an abusive asshole. just look at some of his comments on McP3000\\\'s maps. McP\\\'s episode 6-4. It may be the most abusive thing possible on NUMA. I\\\'ve enjoyed my stay, and i\\\'ll be back, but only once people like Holdeddie are taken care of. We need a system that shows the names of everyone who votes, but not the vote they gave. Good bye and have fun on NUMA. I\\\'ll see you soon.
Will Lukach

P.S. post your email and I will send you my maps as a .txt file. if you want, I'll also send you my new maps


happend to me too

he's gone though,5/5

you rock

you should make levels for fun in my opinion... that is what i do..... 5/5 for all your maps:) :D

honestly. . .

it isn' that meaningful. Holdeddie wasn't really a huge deal, nor was my leaving. I left for myself, and made an announcement so people would know why. I didn't try to draw attention, nor did I try to piss people off. I apologize if I have done either. I'll be back, but I needed to leave, and I found a nice tme to do it.


this map is rated so high just cause of its real meaning, 5\5


didn't do this to make history. I know atramentis did this. And as i said. I needed to leave. I have mapmaking problems that I need to fix in an unrated environment. I know I didn't do anything original, but I felt I should do it. I've admitted I'll be back, and I will, in 1 month. but I just needed to leave for a while

Oh yeah, and I enjoyed playing this level too. L0LZORDZ!!!
Demo Data


well said. 5/5




I hate to break it to you guys, but this week won't go down in history. The truth is, you've missed the train, Atramentis did this ages ago. Everyone decided he was a prick for doing so, and eventually he realised the error of his ways and came back.

You guys seem to think you're doing something ground-breaking, but the N community doesn't care for your troubles. Get over yourselves.


its over
thanx for being with me wlukach
this week will be in numa history...:p
Anyway, i still need to go. Have to finish what i started.
im sure ill be back
thanx for the .txt


i was gonna leave anyways, this gave me a reason to leave, but I know i'll come back

My 2cents

There is never any reason to stop posting on N, no matter how many assholes may snipe your maps. This would only encourage them, as you can see his frustration when people wouldn't leave after he sniped them down. Don't give up and try to create your own little world of sending txt. You can do the same thing by just continuing to post maps, and not paying attention to his continuing snipes. The weakness about immature brats like Holdeddie is their attention span and need for attention. Fortunately, we have Arachnid to deal with them, eventually... and dedicated players to clean up the mess they have made. Simply resubmit your maps after they have gone, and they can be re-rated if the ratings matter to you. Otherwise just keep your maps and submit more so that your friends can enjoy them. Never submit, Never surreNder


think he's been booted. look at the top rated. McP3000 definately was hurt. He's too clever though, he'll be back. I'll give him a week before he's back. sorry :-(

all my maps


it isn't fun to be sniped. I'm leaving to make maps for myself. I have fun with that. If anyone wants them, they can simply post their email address

I'll be back

just in about a month. I'm gonna post a link to my txt file on this map. Anyone can have them, just don't copy them.


If you make them for fun, why care about this guy?

There is no need

for half of the BS that holdfaggie is getn on with. This should be a friendly place and it is until these stupid people come in and waste thier life ruining ours. Not really ruining ours, but I'm pretty sure that almost all of us here love Numa, N, and all of the creaters of all of this. We all love to make maps for others, rate other maps and not piss off others by bitching and rating low just because you suck at what we do. Honestly, for everyone, grow up Eddie. This is a friendly site where we make maps for a great game that is entirely fun. People like you make others so frustrated and want to stop with this entirely. You ruin the fun for all of us. wlukach is a great part of Numa. He doesn't deserve this. No one does. Recently there have been many great map makers quitting because of the assholes that have been joining us here. Please, for everyone, and the world, grow up!

a 5/5

arachnid can't ignore these ratings and user unapproval of these users


4th best incomplete map. It's friendship like this that will beat holdeddie


will lukach...
sweet dude
you have your priorites straight, but ill be back, just not for awhile
and my email is
i would be glad to get that .txt


i claim to be a GENIUS? did I? no, if you're still confused (which is a common side effect to having a low IQ). and if you are sitting in English class, and not engaged, I wonder who will go further in life. I am an intelligent member of my competitive highschool class. If you are in doubt, as JMOSES, WELLSJ, C3LL, or IsaacGutenkunst. You, however, sit through english class playing games. You on the other hand, will be poor, homeless, and will remember the sadistic fun you had on a little stupid site.


(sorry for the triple post)

Look who's talking. You can't distinguish the difference between "your" and "you're". So just go home. Now.

LOL wellsj

Here's to a laugh during hard times.


ha ha ah

look at you, spelling genius wrong, your hilarious. I dont sit around all day, just when we're bored in our english classes.


You do realize that it's the 98% of sane, calm, sensical, non-sniping members AND arachnid that you'll be dealing with? I already know which side I'm putting my money on...


thanks wells, get on AIM if you aren't already


i didnt like it very much. the ninja was off centered which subtracted greatly from the aesthetics, which is what this map was relying on. the tiles were okay, but they didnt allow me to jump to the other side which made me mad. you need more gold. may i suggest mines?
Demo Data

I highly doubt that

I have 3 good friends on NUMA. 2 of which I know personally, and are obviously not with you. the third, you put out of business. Therefore, genious, you're are most horribly wrong

on the contrary

you can't be very smart. what genious sits around on a website he finds stupid, and complains about it. It's like bitching about the room smelling bad, when you can just open a window or leave. If you take joy from this, I congratulate you, I will gladly pay for your counseling. It's people like you who make this world a bad place.

Further More...

i am not one person, like Homer i am a persona of people's hatred for those like you. Even some of your so called friends are within our folds, watch carefully

ha ha ha ha ha

wrong again. Do u think that im stupid enough to have my ip address removed, no no no. I csnt disconnect any serve and create a new one, or i could just block him. Dont try to be smart, your not good at it.


you clearly aren't very bright, cuz arachnid can disallow your IP. therefore you won't be able to get any more accounts. And you said you had friends. Hah! you're too much of an ass.

This map is open as a forum to those who aren't on Metanet's forums to talk about snipers, Holdeddie, or NUMA


Ha ha ha ha , and another one bites the dust...


make sure you send me those levels...on my e-mail, and keep this map open so that people can keep talking. I have to go and im sorry to see you go but i cant wait untill you come back, l8er :)


im so sorry about this thing, ur maps getting sniped is real shit, i loved those maps! sick people


no worries


about my spelling, im just pissed


what you wrote on mcp3000, that was a fucking funny as thing lmao