Kirby Laser Survival

Thumbnail of the map 'Kirby Laser Survival'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bufar
Tags author:bufar playable survival unrated
Created 2006-04-24
Last Modified 2006-04-24
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tileset by chasethebase:
This map puts the z in laser! (Wait...)
I'm going to give a ded to whoever does best at this map. The scoring will go by:
1)number of drones in feet (10 total) (If tied go to #2)
2)number of drones in body (23 total) (If tied go to #3)
3)number of frames survived
The deadline for posting demos is April 29. I will post the winner on April 30.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mini Desparado' Thumbnail of the map 'Eye in the Side' Thumbnail of the map 'Vibration' Thumbnail of the map 'Bacterial' Thumbnail of the map 'Race Pt. 2.5' Thumbnail of the map 'Mindfreak'
Mini Desparado Eye in the Side Vibration Bacterial Race Pt. 2.5 Mindfreak


Pages: (0)


the hyperlink takes you to your own map.
... I'm working on your ded.


1) 10 drones
2) 5 drones
3) 2728 frames
Demo Data