
Thumbnail of the map 'Waterdome'

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Author bufar
Tags author:bufar playable rated survival
Created 2006-05-09
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description After watching David Blane: Drowned Alive, I thought to myself "n would rather die than not break the record." So I created this map to simulate being underwater. How long can you hold your breath? The person who sets the world record will recieve a ded.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mindfreak' Thumbnail of the map 'Kirby Laser Survival' Thumbnail of the map 'What kind of Braille is that?' Thumbnail of the map 'End of the Line' Thumbnail of the map 'Spicy Soda' Thumbnail of the map 'Well-Wired Machine'
Mindfreak Kirby Laser Survival What kind of Braille is that? End of the Line Spicy Soda Well-Wired Machine


Pages: (0)

Oh yeah!

I beat you all bad! Look at this.
Demo Data


I don't know why they do that, but they do.
The drones are set to the dumb paths (A and D).


r u willing to tell us how u got those drones to do that cos i cant figure it out
Faenon, the gold and mines were so I could see how far the doors were from the dome. The launchpas is pointing to the starting point of the drone. The doors make the drones turn around and go back into the dome.
The rockets were suppost to be slightly annoying, but mainly to distract and build pressure.


this is fun
Demo Data


Good idea but the rockets gold mines unnecesary oneways and the launchpad just whats the point? 3.5


longer is what I meant.

little faster

Demo Data

slightly longer

Demo Data


Demo Data

Very cool

nice effects


Cool effect with the drones coming out of nowhere... but the constantly firing rockets get a little obnoxious.
Nonetheless, it is quite fun.