
Thumbnail of the map 'Teeth'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mr_Mongoose
Tags action author:mr_mongoose playable rated
Created 2006-05-20
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Fun. Fast. Flows suprisingly well. Rate. Comment. Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A MAN!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Fugitive' Thumbnail of the map 'Disguise' Thumbnail of the map 'Freiky' Thumbnail of the map 'Frankfurts' Thumbnail of the map 'SSS'
A MAN!!! Fugitive Disguise Freiky Frankfurts SSS


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1. It's pretty!
2. This doesn't really flow
3. I don't like the way the gold next to the door switches looks. But I guess it's just trying to be artistic and a bit different- fair enough.
4. And you don't need to open all of the doors
5. Actually, this does flow quite well
6. And it's open ended. Swell.
7. Those doors both up the top and down the bottom should be edited so that they look neater
8. I'm hungry. I might heat up some soup.
9. I'll just go comment on this map, and rate it- oh, maybe a 4, maybe a 4.5, I'm not really sure...
10. Well, what do you know, I just commented. Soup, here I come!
too many people make that mistake :/


definatly a good rocket map.

and Silvos, please don't advertise on other people's maps.

i dunno...

theres smomething about this map that really appeals to me i ve always been soft for bounce blocks and rockets. 4.5/5
i really liked
as for the tileset, it looked great but didnt really look like a mouth of teeth

oh and plz check out my dda

a cool demo.

i get most of the switches and then die.
Demo Data