Thumbnail of the map 'the CALCGENIUS'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bufar
Tags author:bufar dda rated
Created 2006-06-03
Last Modified 2006-06-04
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description My ded to thecalcgenius for winning my mini contest on this map:
This DDA contains no launchpads, no code editing, and no gold delay (except for propulsion).
Enjoy the show!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'End of the Line' Thumbnail of the map 'Spicy Soda' Thumbnail of the map 'Well-Wired Machine' Thumbnail of the map 'Waterdome' Thumbnail of the map 'Hybrid Hypothesis' Thumbnail of the map 'Spicy Soda <resubmit>'
End of the Line Spicy Soda Well-Wired Machine Waterdome Hybrid Hypothesis Spicy Soda <resubmit>


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just wondering

why did you put all those thwumps there? it's pretty pointless
This is now my best rated map.

Mr_Mongoose, I know how to NaN drones, I just didn't want to do any code editing for this map.

Mr. Mongoose

you can also just add NaN to the end of the drones code to keep it from moving

Very nice

Good use of mines 4.5/5
It can keep any drones still, without a box of doors. You make think that it does not do much, but it looks nicer on the whole.

All you have to do, is place a drone of your choice, in anyway you want it, and then go back to the code and delete the last Number in the code. Make sure the drone is the last thing you placed before editing the code.

The dda was great but just fix that up and it would've looked nicer on the whole. 4.5

awesome how

you made a DDA with the guy's name in it. 4.5/5 + faved