
Thumbnail of the map 'Marathon'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author HeartView
Tags action author:heartview playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-01-05
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description A few notes on this map:

* It is possible to land between the mines. This is intentional, and may be necessary for survival in some cases.

* I've spent a lot of time tuning the difficulty of this map. If you have beat N then this map should not be too hard. If you find yourself wanting a bigger challenge, then remove the normal doors and the triangle tiles in the upper right and upper left of the map. This should make the map noticeably harder.

* This map takes a while to complete and may be frustrating. Sorry, but this was intended as an endurance test. If you don't like long, difficult maps then please move on to the next one. This map is not for you.

Please post demos, even of your death. There is lots of potential for some amazing close calls and spectacular deaths on this map. Some of us find it entertaining to see these so please don't hold back on the demos.

For those of you still reading, I hope you enjoy this map. It took me quite a while to make and lot longer to play test. I find it fun and very challenging. But, I can't beat it yet. I'm sure the elite among you will be able to do it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'On the Second Bounce' Thumbnail of the map 'Bug - Doors versus One-ways' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple' Thumbnail of the map 'Uphill Both Ways' Thumbnail of the map 'Climb' Thumbnail of the map 'Climb 2 : Gold Rush'
On the Second Bounce Bug - Doors versus One-ways Simple Uphill Both Ways Climb Climb 2 : Gold Rush


Pages: (0)


theives, the lot of ya.


Check out this map:

You weren't the first. ;)


You stole it from Webster. :p


you stole my map name...


Of my dying, that is. A couple neat close calls, but still a ways to go to beat the map.
Demo Data


wow this level takes some time to do, ill need way more time to do this. i could do it, but it just takes more time than i have at the moment.