Graveyard Shift

Thumbnail of the map 'Graveyard Shift'

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Author nemetacyst
Tags action author:nemetacyst playable rated
Created 2006-07-25
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description some may recognize part of the tiles from my last skeleton not gonna ded this to anyone...i doubt ppl want an evil skeleton dedicated to them...i take it back, its dedicated to moshpit for calling the skeletal hand gorgeous...

comments, ratings, demos, w/e

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Dark Orchards' Thumbnail of the map 'Golden Honeycombs' Thumbnail of the map 'Mines of the Fallen V' Thumbnail of the map 'Horror' Thumbnail of the map 'Demon's Crown' Thumbnail of the map 'Walk of Life'
Dark Orchards Golden Honeycombs Mines of the Fallen V Horror Demon's Crown Walk of Life


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Though I do like it enough, 4/5


i clearly was right when i said style...

although i am starting to agree about some of the now seems kinda overdone to me...


intersting liked it tileset is odd yet original
HAH! deserves 4.5/5 for gameplay looks and flow good job and i have /a/ new map also check it out


i do have one comment...

it seems like alot of people really like it...granted theres a lack of demos, but i make my levels too hard usually and rarely get i suppose your, and bobos comments are mainly based of preference of styles, looking at your levels, theres a serious difference from my style...

not saying you dont have a legitimate point...its just a comment...
if you want flow, go play a race...i dont make very flowy levels...

but point taken...ill lighten up on the mines, add less gold, but put more where its for with it...

im glad i finally got something worthwhile out of you ppl who constantly tell me im doing a shitty job for no reason...

Fine, criticism.

You placed mines seemingly randomly, and it SERIOUSLY disrupts the flow, especially with rockets that you just THREW in there. When the flow is disrupted THAT MUCH, it just isn't fun. When you added rockets, it made the map frustrating. To add to it all, the gold was placed so randomly, you don't even want to go for it. It just seems like a mine jumper with rockets to piss you off. Not good.

oh...another one...

was writing last one when aju posted...ill just put this really simple...

say something usefully negative or im just gonna consider you an incompetant idiot with a grudge...



well since it is my map...i think i should put stuff wherever i want to...but what is so bad about the style i placed stuff with...most of it is placed in a way to disrupt any abliity to just make a run for it...and some mines are placed to make getting some of the gold harder to get...and some of the wide open gold is there just so theres something more then a bunch of mines, which makes the level look like a pain-in-the-ass(90% of objects being enemies makes it look cruel)...please...correct me if i've said anything that doesnt make sense...or...give suggestions on how to make what ive done better...

at least when i critisize you ppl, i explain exactly what im talking about...what you said just makes me think, "wtf, if your so good, be more specific because that helps as much as someone saying, sux!!!"

critisism = good...
pointless critisism that doesnt actually help = waste of both our time...

Same as Bobo

but 2.


not a smiggin of fun to be found in this map...

the tileset is good but there is no gameplay what so ever

it seems as though you just placed mines and gold wherever the hell you wanted


McP just had to crash the party...

you really have nothing to say about the play??


nice tileset...but thats it

Very nice.

Love it!

not yet

maybe ill complete it later...speed is good, every jump is geared to be fit least...until you open the second or third door...then it takes more patience and skill then speed...
i remember that. it was funny.
nice level. but for me, mines and rockets don't make a good combination cuz i can't dodge very well. could you post a demo? 4/5

great tileset

and the level isnt half bad either :P 4.5/5

im not

100% happy with the tiles...but i kinda ran out of room at the bottem, so it doesnt have the raising-from-the-ground effect as much as i'd like...