Tribute to nikoniko

Thumbnail of the map 'Tribute to nikoniko'

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Author romaniac
Tags author:romaniac dda rated
Created 2006-08-05
Last Modified 2006-08-05
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This is a ded to nikoniko that is a hold left OR hold right DDA
I never really appreciated how difficult it is to make a DDA with more than one direction until i created this.
This uses no edited launch pads, nearly no gold delay and uses every type of enemy and object usefully except for the floor guard.
The only problem is that since there are two DDA's, it takes a bit longer to load
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Fine Art Of Suicide' Thumbnail of the map 'Blip Blop' Thumbnail of the map 'Delicatessan' Thumbnail of the map 'The walls are closing in on me' Thumbnail of the map 'Wampas Beware' Thumbnail of the map 'Diamantes'
The Fine Art Of Suicide Blip Blop Delicatessan The walls are closing in on me Wampas Beware Diamantes


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awsome, i like the top better, it had more enemies and was more exciting, great DDA
Romaniac, this DDA is fantastic!! contains my name!! jeje! i'm making your ded!! but this map is fantastic!! 8D wow, It almost gives to the attack to the heart when seeing this me! Very thancks!! you are a very good player.
Soon sides your dedication


like it.
I dont really like the ending of the hold right path.


can u possibly click the rate button?


but if i made more close calls, something on the other path would stuff up, and id be there for another hour and get it only a little better...

You have a few..

But not enough close calls, very good concept though.

This is great !

But to fast to think about and see it at the same time... ;-)!

This is great !

But to fast to think about and see it at the same time... ;-)!