a door makes this much difference?

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Author 77ball
Tags author:77ball rated test
Created 2006-09-22
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description HOLD RIGHT!!!
so, try it with the door. then try it without the door... strange huh?

Other maps by this author

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Killer trap doors... no serioulsy... locked doors and trap doors a door is the only thing that can stop ninjas Thunder ring-better version N acrobatics super vibrations


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I'm guessing the difference is because once you hit the door the game stops registering the right button being held, but without the door it carries on being registered.
quite cool though.


answer the first question, you can fly while doing the victory dance, now that was completely wierd.


I just got really bored, I wanted to see if he could fly while doing the victory dance, but instead I got this :)


That's really weird o.O ! 4.5/5 because it doesn't look like you discovered such a thing by accident...Good Job !