
Thumbnail of the map 'Poinelatice'

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Author moshpit2010
Tags action author:moshpit2010 playable unrated
Created 2006-11-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I don't believe "Poinelatice" is a word. But if it was a word, it would describe the linear impossibilities of a point (on a plane) having mass. As in, a point of infinite smalness and irrelivence to the physical world having physical properties.
In singular form, it would be "Poinelatance".

Now that you're done being confused, here. Play a level.

Comments and Critique appreciated!

Other maps by this author

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Soup Of The Day Devious (Resubmit) Traileomorphic Popping The Smokebubbles (Resubmit) Cutting the Playing Cards Jump Skip


Pages: (0)

Nice one, mate.

As for an AGD Speed, that wasn't bad at all.


Slow as balls agd

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