
Thumbnail of the map 'Mario'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author nman2321
Tags author:nman2321 n-art rated
Created 2007-04-08
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description i have been going for a classic video game art so i never saw mario so i decided to draw him in an 8-bit

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Brian Griffin' Thumbnail of the map 'Peter Griffin' Thumbnail of the map 'locked up' Thumbnail of the map 'Circular' Thumbnail of the map 'stewie Griffin' Thumbnail of the map 'my first made up person'
Brian Griffin Peter Griffin locked up Circular stewie Griffin my first made up person


Pages: (0)


I looked through all of nman2321's N-Art (If you want to call it Art) and here's the deal. Most of the are resubs, if they're not resubs they're near identical to previous N-Arts made from other people, and if that's not the case then he has made it half finished without color etc.

You don't understand the concept of resubing, it's pretty simple. Every time he resubs a map, my map (or anyone else on the new page) gets knocked down atleast one, if not two or three because other players maps are pending to post because they have 2 already on the new page. In general it's a pain in the ass because it hurts everyone elses votes due to getting all the other maps kicked off the first page quicker.

Mr_x_lma0 - You sit there and say "if you're going to get mad at someone on NUMA then just leave" psh yeah, and if someone tells you to quit, quit? Nice ambition, don't stick up for yourself and just quit when life gets hard.

And of course there is NO way for someone to know if he copied the 8-bit mario, were you there when he made it? No, but it's common sense to put two and two together. Look at the style and color, the EXACT same. Whether he copied it exactally or not he still stole the direct concept and he should get some style of his own.

P.S. nman2321 went to nearly ALL of my maps and gave them a 0/5, should I resub EVERY SINGLE ONE? Or should I stoop to his level and go through ALL of his and do the same? I dunno you tell me.
I rated it 4.5/5 to help even things out.

Also, this isn't an exact copy of the previous ones. There are some differences, such as the width of the boots and hat, among other things.


i like 8-bit n art


Dude. Stop giving other people crap for what they do. It doesn't matter how bad the things that they do, there is always a solution. You can't hate someone because they resubmit maps too much!

@Nman: I don't personally know if what fingersonthefrets is saying is true or not, yet give maps a fair rating. If you rate a map 5/5, compliment the author on what they did well. Don't just silently give a 1 and run, tell them why.

@victimbf2: Those 3 maps are 22000 maps past, how can you honestly say he copied them? You do not have any proof whatsoever that he copied them. And, because he draws the same thing, doesn't mean that you rate it really low. In all three of those other maps you linked, not one of them faced the same way as the mario nman drew. If three people all do a similar map three times, why rate 2 well and 1 poorly??

Using Clifty as an example, alot of his dda's are similar. Although they are awesome, people don't rate them down do they?

If you are getting pissed off at someone on NUMA, just leave! Don't post another map! Don't go on every one of their maps and ruin it for them by sniping, either get over it and rate it to what it deserves, or just don't click on it. Simple as that!

Although this map probably deserves something like a 3.5 or a 4, I'm gunna rate it 5 because you all have sniped this so badly. Just to even this thing out.

nman, you copy other peoples works, you resub again and again and again and..etc., and you say that people have resubbed maps when they havent and rate it low on a fake reason. NR


that just what 8-bit mario's colr scheme is asshole


get a life


You're so sad, you obviously copied them they have the same color setting.

Hey I haven't...

rated yet so STFU.


just cause i didnt know you give me a fucking 0/5 you have no life

And... 3 more?

This is

best than the other, but it isn't your original idea, sorry. But well, is pretty cool 3.5/5

PS: I don't speak english

--- LUXO


there can be 2 i didnt know

