Thumbnail of the map 'PRESSURE!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author stephan_smg
Tags action author:stephan_smg difficult hard pressure rated
Created 2007-06-22
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description We all should remember the map "Pressed for Time" in the main game (Episode 86 Level 3). Well i basically made an alternate to it. As u will notice, the flow gets worse as u progress making it very hard! since its so difficult, first AGD gets a ded.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'No Jumping In The Minefield' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja Spelunking' Thumbnail of the map 'Speed Racer' Thumbnail of the map 'Hybrid Action/Puzzle' Thumbnail of the map 'Tiny Flow' Thumbnail of the map 'Widescreen Race'
No Jumping In The Minefield Ninja Spelunking Speed Racer Hybrid Action/Puzzle Tiny Flow Widescreen Race


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and its cheatble

Demo Data
It was very slightly modified by Mare/Raigan when it was put in the game

Very Nice!

A ded will go out to MidnightGetaway!

Hella sloppy run.

But have an AGD.
Demo Data


This is as far as ive gotten, but ive beat the mine part on its own while editing but not all at once.
Demo Data


is this even possible? I could see how you would take the top two levels and the bottom level, but the third one?? I don't think you can get past that switchback without the thwumps killing you. a demo maybe?
since I've never gotten to it. I don't get around to playing the story much.


I love it.