Simple challenge 2

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Author az_jps
Tags author:az_jps difficult puzzle simple-challenge unrated
Created 2007-07-01
Last Modified 2007-07-01
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Description My 2nd simple challenge, also for the simple challenge tournament. I'm still waiting on TB007 for the themes.

I'm not even going to bother telling you how long I took me in fbf to prove that it is possible. For those of us who can't pull off a corner kick for our lives (like me!), there's a trapdoor behind the bounceblock to still make the level possible. Though of course, go for the corner kick if you can :).


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Pages: (0)

finish hard
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The glitch doesn't count as part of the gameplay since technically, you don't win at the door that way. I just thought it was a fun thing to add in.

simple challenge 9

Ignore the title, this is my submission for week 9.

the cheap way

The way I had originally intended it to be. :)

However, I have verified that it is possible to do the ending the "correct" (with the launchpad and the bounceblock) way.
Demo Data
They're also optional.


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Somebody's going to kill me when they figure out how to do the ending. The launchpad is crucial, though.
But at least I got the kick. I always like simple challenges like these. 3.5/5
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