Deep Blue Sea #2

Thumbnail of the map 'Deep Blue Sea #2'

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Author orka
Tags action author:orka medium mine-doger playable rated
Created 2007-09-30
Last Modified 2007-10-22
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This is the shark edition :)

So you're on a mission to study sharks. Then all of a sudden they destroy part of the rig which closes all the emergency doors cutting off your oxygen supply, which means you only have a few minutes to escape!!

Find the emergency override system switchs and quickly get to the helicopter!!

Good luck ;)

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Other maps by this author

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A Dragon named Scooty :) Lepidopteran Eye Candy Shades of Red Factory #49 Positively Pink !


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them sharks gots laser vision!

lol nice map tis fun

Nice level.

good looking tiles, good gameplay. 4/5, keep it up.

cool tileset


yep :)

the tileset is all me
I think this was awesome. Is this your tileset? It's really cool.


cool map.
and tileset.
and storyline thingy.