An Elaborate Ruse

Thumbnail of the map 'An Elaborate Ruse'

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Author monethefirestarter
Tags are author:monethefirestarter funny mice mone thinks unrated
Created 2007-10-24
Last Modified 2007-10-24
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Scale the walls of buildings and ricochet into the sun.

And if you'd like to critisize, do so constructively.

Edit: Edited.

Yours truly,


Pages: (0)


1. Tileset didn't look great and was unnecessarily obstructive.
2. Nothing happens for most of the map.
3. There's a trap-door end in there and nothing to warn the player of it.



kewl, but kinda predictable........go mone anyway...she rocks ur socks


1 get rid of the mine in the bounce block.
2 the last two door you dont need to open, if you stand on top of them when the exit is open i says you completed the level cause your' touching the exit. fix it.

but other than that i liked it. it was like a long epic level.


the hidden mine and hidden trap door switches are bullshit. how's that for criticism? get rid of them.


I like the tileset and the name. It was fun, and the *coughchallengecough* was cool.