Volcanic Explosion

Thumbnail of the map 'Volcanic Explosion'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Crank_Dat
Tags action author:crank_dat balls nig rated u-hard
Created 2007-11-22
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Dude you guys are screwed because you guys suck

Other maps by this author

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Rockets Up Yours Down and Up Symetric Death


Pages: (0)


You really suck at narts dont you?

You should...

1. Make a new account with a different name so people will stop bitching about it.
2. Remove this map.

Now, usually i think that N maps shouldnt be treated like an art form, but this map reallllly sucks.


this suks and is messed

zippo outer five
it's different
that song came on!