Love, Lust, Loss, and Bear

Thumbnail of the map 'Love, Lust, Loss, and Bear'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author kisler
Tags 4-30-08 author:kisler forever honor in kablizzy left of on playable rated who
Created 2008-04-30
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Rules:

In honor of Kablizzy, who left today, never to return. To quote him: "Too often, it is too easy to lose yourself in the moment and forget about the important things in life. I hope it doesn't ever happen to me again. I <3 you all."
Goodbye forever, and good luck to you, Kablizzy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Disturbed Nature' Thumbnail of the map 'Mountains Aren't Vertical, I Hear' Thumbnail of the map 'Keep to the Beat - a ded to Condog' Thumbnail of the map '4 is greater than 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Lustre City Aging' Thumbnail of the map 'Choose an adventure'
Disturbed Nature Mountains Aren't Vertical, I Hear Keep to the Beat - a ded to Condog 4 is greater than 3 Lustre City Aging Choose an adventure


Pages: (0)


*Crycrycry* wwwwaaaahhhhh!!!!!
I loved kablizzy! But...he did eventualy come back...right?


here's to 'blizz, a great mapper, a great moderator, a great guy.

On topic, i love how you used that glitch. 5/5


here's to 'blizz, a great mapper, a great moderator, a great guy.

On topic, i love how you used that glitch. 5/5
