
Thumbnail of the map 'Cubes'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author NeverEnoughRoom
Tags author:neverenoughroom medium-hard n-art playable rated
Created 2008-10-17
Last Modified 2008-10-23
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description A little bit of n art, playable mediumish/hardish difficulty first map ever please rate and comment


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yea lol

lag is stupid, but hey it was my first level so I shall keep it there.
I know it is not the best but I can not be bothered to work on this particular level just yet, maybe in the future though...


that outer rim of mines and gold was pretty irrelevant because it adds lag and you cant appreciate it from just the thumbnail.

that one piece of gold is called a NaN object. i dunno how it gets there and i dunno how to get rid of them. it doesnt bother me or (i think) the rest of Numa. i wouldnt worry about it too much if i were you. NR


thank you

good art

but for a map its not a map with a bit of lag its lag with a bit a map lol. nice tho 4/5

i hate you

I hate you
i like the map but it takes a really long time to load...
and is extra laggy...
so when u make ur next map try to consider the amount of
objects in the map 3/5


at least some people can offer CONSTRUCTIVE critisism




i will think about it

i meant

all the mines and gold within the map too, apart from those in the playable area

yea about that...

the reason is because one of the gold round the edge is munted (cant delete it, so that is the reason for that)
unless no one minds a gold peice on the out side of the map

Try this:

get rid of all the objects around the edge. itll still look half decent, but it will be easily playable, then repost
yea the lag is annoying and it does take a while to load but thanks for the comment :)


I'm gonna have to say this isn't a great map, purely because the load time is so long, and the gameplay lags so much you can't play it properly. To make a decent map, you can't overcrowd it with hudnreds of objects, unless you're making an n art which isnt meant to be loaded or played. Cool design though, and the gameplay looked pretty good, its a shame it couldnt be played properly.




its so... mesmerising...