Part VII: As I draw Nearer

Thumbnail of the map 'Part VII: As I draw Nearer'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Erik-Player
Tags action author:erik-player crossfad ep-mappack gold playable rated
Created 2008-11-08
Last Modified 2009-04-20
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Collaboration with Guitar_Hero_Matt. His maps can be found Here [] and his latest map can be found Here []


Edit: Now to be a part of my map-pack!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Part III: Mysteries of a Cave.' Thumbnail of the map 'Part IV: Fancy Little World.' Thumbnail of the map 'A Plan Way Better than Imagined.' Thumbnail of the map 'Part V: Unknown Excavation.' Thumbnail of the map 'Shattered Grounds*' Thumbnail of the map 'Part VI: Dino Syndrome.'
Part III: Mysteries of a Cave. Part IV: Fancy Little World. A Plan Way Better than Imagined. Part V: Unknown Excavation. Shattered Grounds* Part VI: Dino Syndrome.


Pages: (0)




me like

: )

All gold.
Demo Data

Soo close....

Demo Data

Nice map

Somewhat difficult, I suspect it's an excellent all gold map. Unfortuantly, I didn't try to get any gold
Demo Data

As i lay dying


This is cool

I like how it turned out. 4