Health! +

Thumbnail of the map 'Health! +'

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Author ShipRelation_
Tags author:shiprelation_ easy health maze playable unrated
Created 2008-11-14
Last Modified 2008-11-14
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I was really bored and wanted to make a easy lv!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'eXTREME Death (with a smile)' Thumbnail of the map 'Ghosts' Captivety!' Thumbnail of the map 'Here's a rocket theres a rocket!'
eXTREME Death (with a smile) Ghosts' Captivety! Here's a rocket theres a rocket!


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Eh, its okay

The tiles are alrite, the object placement was a bit off, as the enemies didnt tend to do much in the first chamber. And no one likes inaccessible gold :) 2.5 up

Also, feel free to check out my latest map,; its a pretty good example of placing rockets effectively, imo.

Hehe... nice.

I'm gonna have to slow down on mapping before I gain some trust and good priorities.


Wanna make a collab? I've all ways wanted to!

yes very easy,

not mazish though, pretty boring, not good, not bad. NR