
Thumbnail of the map 'Oiled'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author UniverseZero
Tags author:universezero future nreality rated robotic tileset watermelonz99
Created 2009-04-16
Last Modified 2009-04-16
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Is it just me or is the ninja bigger?

Tileset for Watermelonz99. If you would like me to make you a tileset, go to UZ's Tilesets [] and post a request.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Corrupt DNA' Thumbnail of the map 'Where the King Dwells' Thumbnail of the map 'The Call of Honour' Thumbnail of the map 'PSP' Thumbnail of the map 'Rawr.' Thumbnail of the map 'Quantum Matter'
Corrupt DNA Where the King Dwells The Call of Honour PSP Rawr. Quantum Matter


Pages: (0)

mines bigger naturally, but still
4.2* rounded up for fun


Go ahead, but do credit.
I will naturally credit =)

It's a tileset. Why should there be objects on it?

It was a request.

They told me not to use objects, so I couldn't.


use of mod and good tiles. Some objects might have been nice, though...
3.5 down
Demo Data

It's just you


