Random Map

Thumbnail of the map 'Random Map'

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Author ultimatereading
Tags author:ultimatereading random randomtags rated superandom
Created 2009-07-07
Last Modified 2009-07-07
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description I Got bored trying to think of a gd map so a made this random one.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'mazey mouse' Thumbnail of the map 'Easy peasy some might say' Thumbnail of the map 'volcanic Furry' Thumbnail of the map 'rocket dodge' Thumbnail of the map 'Danger don't touch'
mazey mouse Easy peasy some might say volcanic Furry rocket dodge Danger don't touch


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So, first of all you didn't spam objects. It makes the maps looking better and the loading time shorter.
Then, there is no tiring gameplay in this. There are no repititive passages and there is actually really a (ok, small ;]) challenge, the enemies are slightly better chosen and placed.
How I said in my last comment the tileset is nice, too.^^

... I think he enemy placement is the special point. It makes the gameplay more exciting then the gameplay of your other maps, but also not too annoying (the waiting for the laser drone is the only not so good thing). Try to place your enemies like this in a good position and choose them right, that would be my tip. :]...

Random maps

i really don't no how u think tht this map is gd im happy u like it but if i am gonna make more of them i need to no wat makes them special.
... and well, in my opinion, this is one of them.^^ ...

First the bad things: The laser drone might have been a good idea, but it wasn't placed good (how infernoXV8 said) :/... I would suggest a chaingun drone instead.
The trap doors were pretty useless in my opinion and the gold at the left doesn't look good.

The good points: The tileset isn't very spetacular, but it doesn't hurt in the eyes, too... It's ok. :]...
The gold around the switches looks good and there are no spammed objects. Your mines are good placed and the thwumps and gausses are ok, too. ^^

Well, I'll rate a 3.5v I think and I suggest making more "random" maps :]... By the way: There is a NaNed bounce block in your map and your floor guards are kinda strange, too; look at the demo. xD
Demo Data


I dont link where the drone is placed, makes the waiting boring
Demo Data

almost first try!

this is fun. A few things could've made it more exciting, but it almost didn't even really need it. It was fun on it's own. There should be more of these kinds of maps. keep it up!
yet another 4/5