Wishing on a Star

Thumbnail of the map 'Wishing on a Star'

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Author Sycamore
Tags action author:sycamore rated
Created 2009-08-08
Last Modified 2009-08-08
by 10 people.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Enamel' Thumbnail of the map 'Stranded' Thumbnail of the map 'Incessant Attacks' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't You Fuck With Us, Sunshine'
Enamel Stranded Incessant Attacks Don't You Fuck With Us, Sunshine


Pages: (0)

Just a little generic.

Jeeze people.

natures_peril, so what if everyone overrates the average map, don't do it if you think it's silly as you seem to be implying.

As for the map, I disliked getting up onto the first oneway. It was somewhat awkward for me especially with the rocket there too.
The rest didn't play badly, but I have to agree that there didn't seem to be much happening in most of the map. Except maybe for the gold next to the lower rocket...
I dunno. An enemy or two would have made it seem less "dry" in my opinion. Even if they were easy to dodge.
Demo Data

you say your

ten years older than me yet you won't say how old you are?


My name isn't tom.

Fire: None of your business

Ethel: naaa :P


delist this. Disable ratings. Repost this.

I'm going now.

Bye everybody. Try not to spam my map too much.
why cant we be friend lol


how am I spamming

that makes no sense. Well I'm done arguing with you. I am above that.
I'm not immature.

virtual boxing :P
Ratings don't matter. Go whine somewhere else.

Alright then.

But I don't rate maps.

thats wierd that

I had a 5 rating on three maps and now they are 2's
cos i consider myself a highscorer and it pissed me off that i couldnt pull off a decent run without stopping


I didn't snipe you.

And not friends with this guy I'm afraid.

I would but he went

in and sniped 3 of my maps

Why don't we all just forget about sniping and be friends?
then you go and snipe my map?
Whose the childish one now?



I could play this all day.
Demo Data

I did not

snipe your map. I rated it a 2 because I felt thats what it deserved.

Thanks PNI.

It's nice to know /somebody/ appreciates my work.
This map is like getting a snowstorm on the day when you have to take the math test that you didn't study for. That feeling of relief is really worked into this map, and it really goes to show what a great level maker you are. Excellent job. 4.5/5 rounded up.
You immature little bastard.

I hate all these.

People who get angry because I criticise. My maps do not suck, I am sure of that. That incessant one did, but not the rest. People who can't even use proper grammar to back their arguments come and attack me because I don't like something. I like some maps, obviously. Just not most, because most of the maps on here are wank.

Plus, fireburnsfree, your comment is bollocks.

This map is the dog's bollocks.


Get off my map.


god your seem to be that kind of guy that very few people like. I simply was asking what the comment you put on my map meant. So settle down. This map is terrible. No im not just saying that. I really did not enjoy it.

N_P is right

and I didnt like the fact that nothing went on. It was bland.

everyone overates the average map, and snipes maps they dont understand


Comment on the map. Thanks.

Natures: 2.5 is the average on NUMA.

slow agd

im rather indifferent about this, so i'll give you the numa average, 4
Demo Data

what was that

comment about?