Blank Space

Thumbnail of the map 'Blank Space'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author MidnightGetaway
Tags action author:midnightgetaway rated
Created 2009-08-28
Last Modified 2014-11-17
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description You can tell me if the high was worth the pain.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Grape le Vine' Thumbnail of the map 'Right into Hell' Thumbnail of the map 'Vroom Vroom' Thumbnail of the map 'Mystik' Thumbnail of the map 'Salmon Cannon' Thumbnail of the map 'When the Sun is Dead'
Grape le Vine Right into Hell Vroom Vroom Mystik Salmon Cannon When the Sun is Dead


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Ignore ganteka

He wouldn't know a map good from bad if it fucked him in the ass.

Keep on keepin on, bro.

Bleh AGD-1

First try. I'm sure there's a map almost exactly like this in the Explosion. Faved and whatnot.
Demo Data

Oh damn.

Nice one, karma.
No, Solve my Dilemna.

even though it's cheatable, I enjoyed it. You make good maps
Demo Data

Glad to see

you ended up making something out of it.

Glad you fixed this

but I liked if better with more drones and the other title. AGD
Demo Data


Great stuff here, man. <3
Fun map as usual.
Demo Data


Glad to see you fixed this. I like it better with only one chaser drone, though I like when they were trapped at the bottom better. Anyway, 5aved. This is excellent.
Demo Data


Just like halfway-old times.
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