Warrior Man

Thumbnail of the map 'Warrior Man'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author This_Suck
Tags author:this_suck logo n-art nart nonplayable rated
Created 2009-08-31
Last Modified 2009-08-31
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description Yes this is the logo for SC but I really don't need fotball opinions on this map just visual opinions. It isn't as smooth as other N-arts i've made mostly because the amount of data made the editor spam and I also got lazy near the end.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'It's Impossible' Thumbnail of the map 'THX' Thumbnail of the map 'FLUBBERDOODLE' Thumbnail of the map 'Coca-Cola' Thumbnail of the map 'Coca-Cola (revised)' Thumbnail of the map 'Laser make kasplode'
It's Impossible THX FLUBBERDOODLE Coca-Cola Coca-Cola (revised) Laser make kasplode


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Coming back to this, it's nice. Nothing spectacular, but nice. 4/5.


a link []

my n-art ratings

never go higher than 4. this was nearly there.

How the hell

Can you give this a 3? I mean, the decorations on the top of the helmet are off, but the helmet itself and the face are excellent. (Also, I personally don't care if it's autogen or not.) 5aved.
4/5. Can't believe that anyone would give this less than a 4.



I just submitted

my undergrad app this morning :D

the helmets decoration looks off, but the head is well proportioned


Decent thumbnail image.


Great work again.

is this the game

you're seeing next weekend?


i don't
you have to have to make an auto genrated map?

Plz peole

dont acuse me of auto gen because untill last night i didnt even know u could do that let alone how