What the f**k is it with all those high ratings???

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Author andreas_xx
Tags angry author:andreas_xx playable please rated read-description too-high-ratings
Created 2009-10-22
Last Modified 2009-10-22
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I think that people here on numa rate maps way too high... its not fun to see that the map you have takin 3-4 hours to make have the same rating as a total random noobish map. some days ago i saw a first-map. it was an dda only with launchpads. it had a rating of 3 or four (i can't remember). but just so you guys know. you only give 3 if the map is above average!!! i think that almost all the maps here on numa have a rating of 3 or higher! but that shouldn't be posibble because then all of the maps would be above average! maybe its because the people here on numa is affraid to give low ratings! please start thinking of wich rating you give instead of giving 4´s and 5´s to all of the maps!!!
thanks for listning ;D

Other maps by this author

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Have a nice weekend. ALARM!!! Prison Break!!! Kubus Mini-survival Green Day Heaven of arrows


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the rating system

is complete garbage. a rating system with the abilty to rate these different things would rock:(with 0-10 ratings each)
4.Aschetics (or however you speel it :p)
5.Thhe purpose of the map( is it a good race map? a good DDA map? a good etc.)

maxson, the thing is, if you rate low, that person's feelings will be hurt, and they'll start ranting and sniping all your maps. This site's rating system is almost completely garbage...
The average rating on NUMA is above average... :/

I agree with you about the high rating's but go about it in a different way. I am annoyed at all the "5aves" I say on shit maps though.


disabling ratings.. Some say that it will make people comment instead, and if you're unhappy with the way people rate I think you'll benefit from constructive criticism :) I do agree that people rate very high
but yeah, the average rating people should be giving out is a 2 or 3, and unfortunately people are either too bad at mapmaking to distinguish good from bad, or they're afraid they'll hurt someone's feelings if they rate low :/ Either way, it's a problem.
You should have made a good map to use as a rant. Otherwise few people will notice the rant. Also remember opinions are different for everyone. Yes I agree that a lot of maps are being "up-rated" but some people really are that stupid to believe a shitty map is worth a 4 or 5. That's just life, idiots/newnuma-ers ruin things for people with taste.