Rectangle Game

Thumbnail of the map 'Rectangle Game'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Geckarborfan99
Tags author:geckarborfan99 gauss mines rated rectangle rocket
Created 2009-11-15
Last Modified 2009-11-15
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description difficult ^^

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '02-3: Confusion' Thumbnail of the map 'xaelar' Thumbnail of the map 'Night Walk' Thumbnail of the map 'Do you hate the mines?' Thumbnail of the map '03-0: Alphabet' Thumbnail of the map 'It's possible'
02-3: Confusion xaelar Night Walk Do you hate the mines? 03-0: Alphabet It's possible


Pages: (0)


Not the easiest map, not the best run but it's fine.
Demo Data


yes corner kick ;D
==> not the best demo^^
Demo Data


what you mean?

Solution: Corner kick.


can you post an AGD cause i dont understand how you can complete this


your not bad stop thinking so negative about yourself ;)

no prob

hope that i can be as good as you some day ;) seems very far

fun map

i think there should have been a guass at the top but its still alright 4/5