last threat today

Thumbnail of the map 'last threat today'

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Author The-Riot
Tags author:the-riot rated riot-collab
Created 2010-02-03
Last Modified 2010-02-03
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description mahi > destiny > mahi > destiny > mahi

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'acidic yeast located in the coronary artery' Thumbnail of the map 'ride the cyclone' Thumbnail of the map 'Downpour Girl' Thumbnail of the map 'Bloodmeat' Thumbnail of the map 'Chains,' Thumbnail of the map 'Advanced Defense (Advanced Assault)'
acidic yeast located in the coronary artery ride the cyclone Downpour Girl Bloodmeat Chains, Advanced Defense (Advanced Assault)


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God damn that took a long time, and a lot of effort.
Demo Data

Very nice

love these maps


The mines at the start were alright. They looked real menacing, but they end up being nothing much of an obstacle. The part with the rocket was nice to run across, but it kinda stopped being fun when you tried to get that gold on the left past the thwump. There was just too much pressure on the player to move effectively. I mea, I wasn't even expecting that floorguard to go right next to me. :( Yeah, that floorguard was a bitch to get by. The top s'nice, I guess. But yeah, overall I think you went a bit overboard with that rocket area. The rest of the map was great, though.
Demo Data


the rocket did make it a bit hectic at times, but on the whole, it was a solid map. nice work guys.

destiny, you are in? nice move, mahi :D


those mines (watch demo)
Demo Data

too hectic

less mines and something other than a rocket would've worked better..

also.. how do you get the bottom key?
Demo Data


haha i had no idea destiny was in.. i assume mahi let him in? i approve :D

my favorite so far

from The-Riot.
It creates too much claustrophobia. Even without it getting the gold in there was a tough challenge. I would remove it and replace it with the bounceblocks i had put in. Don't have long though - 1 more rating till it's permanant.


Hmm, the middle felt too hectic and cramped with enemies to me. Otherwise it was alright, I can tell that a sizeable amount of effort was put into it. 3.5^
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