Under the Sea

Thumbnail of the map 'Under the Sea'

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Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset fish pisces unrated
Created 2010-02-28
Last Modified 2010-02-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description In an octopus's garden, in the shade...~

Kkstrong, it's a damn fucking shame you're leaving. I really looked up to you as a mapper, and I always will. Over a few flaws with the community, it's not something you have to leave for. We all get over it. I got over it. Please dude, make some sense out of what's happening...

Other maps by this author

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Fireside Infinity Park Theonsulios City RAINING BLOOOOOOD OH NO ITS AN ASDF :O


Pages: (0)

Remove the rocket and I will love this map.


<3 the mine-floor

Sufficient Demo

Not AGD but still pretty good...
Demo Data