3-1: Checkpoint ROSSIYA

Thumbnail of the map '3-1: Checkpoint ROSSIYA'

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Author mahi_mahi
Tags author:mahi_mahi politbureau unrated
Created 2010-05-11
Last Modified 2010-05-29
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


Trying to escape to West Berlin, eh?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '2-0: Vichy' Thumbnail of the map '2-1: Leningrad Opera' Thumbnail of the map '2-2: Subsistence Farming' Thumbnail of the map '2-3: Rocky Shore' Thumbnail of the map '2-4: Caught' Thumbnail of the map '3-0: GRU Safehouse'
2-0: Vichy 2-1: Leningrad Opera 2-2: Subsistence Farming 2-3: Rocky Shore 2-4: Caught 3-0: GRU Safehouse


Pages: (0)



Oh no.

You have this Hajtun guy again. :/


% []

rate 5/5

and i will to the-riot i just can't remember the order. also im leaving soon for swim-team


Demo Data


shoo u troll

i dont like

the launchpad part, it kinda ruined it because it is different to the rest. the rest is about jumping and dodging but the launchpad part is the type of thing where you need to do something hard and then straight away do something else.

But over all i didnt get passed that part so but ill still rate 4/5.

Ehh it was alright

Not your best, but still good


Demo Data