Comments on "Simple Challenge 9"

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Nreality Team Arena has began :)
Check your team here! []

We're in the same team, so maybe you want to participate to make the map? Even if I think your more an Highscorer ;)
Do you want to use IRC, or just leave some message on Numa?
Should be carried further, implemented in a longer map. 3.5^

I end up in bits but I finish (sr mode)
Demo Data

Well thank you..!


thanks for your kind palabras and demos on my maps :) Might not seem like a big deal to you, but I really appreciate that you enjoy my 'work' and take the time to let me know. So from the bottom of my heart: Muchas Gracias, amigo! =)


nice run on this [] but you still haven't tied/beaten me ;) but i guess u already u knew that :P

Encantado de conocer y hablar con un Español. Soy de Madrid, colega. Siempre quise hablar contigo en referencia a unas cosas. Conozco tu debilidad por los mapas sencillos y por el Highscore. Lo que pasa que nunca más te vi, tal vez alguna Demo por ahí suelta. Por eso nunca hablé.
Agradezco que lo hayas hecho tu.

con CAPS LOCKS por haber conseguido un AGD en 05-1: Angela, sea lento o rápido es igual, para mi es no es lento, y ese mapa es una locura. Solo tu y romaniac lo habeís conseguido (un secreto: yo todavía no) y por esto mereces mi más sincera ENHORABUENA!

p.d.: Si disfrutaste con el mapa, te desesperó o por lo menos pasaste el rato, porfavor, haz rate, que las cosas en NUMA últimamente están un poco chungas y la gente escasea un poco con los rates.

Para este >>>> 5/5 (para animarte a que hagas más)


Thank you for the so many comments on my maps!


I've recently upgraded to windows 7, and i no longer have photoshop :(


outright OJ is 1 frames faster there: 206313


Ie 'ave.

Also, this is for you, EMG [] :D


BP has been outspoken?
Demo Data


And I couldn't even beat Rozer's demo...

Ah! Zeething!!

'uo hav been, schall ve say, ouhtspoken!!
Demo Data


Demo Data

framed demo

Demo Data

Improved my personal best.
Demo Data


I got it.
Demo Data

Underclocked Demo

It can be done realtime, but im not good at that.
Demo Data

This is my actual record, buy I know it can be done in ONLY 1 chimneying
Demo Data