A perfectly beautiful adventure

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Author Hyjinx
Tags author:hyjinx hyjinx new rated
Created 2010-09-23
Last Modified 2010-09-23
by 27 people.
Map Data

Description Hello, Numa-ans,
My name is Hyjinx. I am here to entertain you on this brief adventure that I refer to as life. Please enjoy this little segment that I have created in attempt to allow your enjoyment to thrive to its full potential.
With great thought,


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And ignore anyone who joined after 2007. Excluding yourself.

I don't really care if you're a multiaccounter as long as you ain't votin' for yourself.

Welcome to NUMA.

People here tend to be quite accusatory because of bad experience with multiaccounters before, but quite frankly it's harmless until voting abuse happens. People here have had a good beginning before, say, toasters [] and Methodic [].

I really like the map. :) Simple but effective tiles, aesthetic mines. Bliss.

flame blazes free

man i got a

Ignore him. Welcome to NUMA, by the way.

cool map, brah.

replace some of the rockets with gauss, it'll be better then. tougher jumps and all. ;) also,

stop caring about multiaccounters. the sooner you do, the sooner they stop. >:V


what's up

yeah, well

regardless of whether you're new or not, it's an average map.
Mist. And what jumps are awkward?

Welcome to NUMA.

Just try to ignore people like RadiumFalcon.
Nice map. I hope to see more in the future!
Demo Data

make that 2006


Hello Santa.

You are Santa, right?

Welcome to NUMA.

Please ignore anyone who joined after 2005.
A lot of the manouevres are awkward.

For the moment, I shall remain unbiased. I don't care if you are new or not.

Although, maybe it's ethel. He seems defensive.

All gold demo.

Kinda messed up the ending.

Welcome to NUMA, Hyjinx.
Demo Data

and 'ignore ethel. it's that time of the month again.' is the best comment I've seen.

First off

Holy shit 7 rates on my first map!!?? I thought this was a poor map, I didn't think the gold was that great or that the tiles were perfect but thank you guys for the support. As for the "who are you" I'm hyjinx I just found this game thanks to some mates at school. They showed me the ropes and I propelled from there. But I take that as a compliment to be accused of being here before. Means I'm good. Any suggestions to get better please feel free to tell me
is who you are.
Many people get suspicious of multi-accounting when someone new appears who can make already better maps than them.
Demo Data

Welcome to Numa

This map is really good. Look how terrible is my first map [] ^^

Demo Data


5/5. i like this. good and off to a fresh start. i like it

ignore ethel

it's that time of the month again.
'not new' contributes nothing

'welcome 2 da world' is the best comment i have ever seen

welcome to numa by the way

Welcome to NUMA

Awkward gold and rocket placements and the drones don't mix well. It's better than most firsts though. I'll toss you a 3. Get on with being a tree; sure hope you aren't an oak tree.

Welcome 2 da world.

Welcome to NUMA!

This is an excellent first map. Usually it takes a while to get good maps, but clearly you're off to a good start. I will give this a 4 because I am impressed.
Enjoy your stay.

Welcome to NUMA.
enjoy my friends
Demo Data