damn i hate finding a name for my maps...

Thumbnail of the map 'damn i hate finding a name for my maps...'

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Author andreas_xx
Tags and-the-same-thing-with-tags-these-are-only-useable-for-races-dda-s-and-survivals-exclamation-point author:andreas_xx unrated
Created 2011-05-29
Last Modified 2011-05-29
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description and even more writing a description. well, you know, you have just made a great map, and then you're like: "go play it instead of reading how i made it, what i should look out for, or who the fuck playtested it!" or is it just me?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Inside the Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'Skull' Thumbnail of the map 'Save Me' Thumbnail of the map 'Triforce' Thumbnail of the map 'Mouthful of Wasps' Thumbnail of the map 'The Static Age'
Inside the Fire Skull Save Me Triforce Mouthful of Wasps The Static Age


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That ending is tough.

As for titles, just make them really random and long.
Demo Data
Who cares anyway how did you create a certain map.

try naming a child

About the naming...

It can be really abstract and hard, I know.
Anyway, alright map. It does feel a little empty, and a bit on the easy side..