NouthWeast Odyssey

Thumbnail of the map 'NouthWeast Odyssey'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Gioum
Tags action author:gioum rocket simple survival-ish unrated
Created 2011-06-19
Last Modified 2011-06-19
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description simply, a travel where you go north, south, east, and west at the same time :D
DED to mistalker for taking a tour on my maps, and learned some little stuff from his skill and some little details :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The "how many balls you got" machine' Thumbnail of the map 'TS020' Thumbnail of the map 'Speed Six' Thumbnail of the map 'Pain Split' Thumbnail of the map 'TrainStation' Thumbnail of the map 'VejaDu'
The "how many balls you got" machine TS020 Speed Six Pain Split TrainStation VejaDu


Pages: (0)

Slightly faster.

Demo Data


Here's an AGD aswell.
Demo Data
Gameplay was nice, if not quite intense. However, any intensity was well suited to the map's style. It wasn't fantastic in terms of aesthetics, particularly in the thumbnail, but the quality of gameplay was actually pretty good.

Speedrun -
Demo Data


liked it. gameplay turned out fun. though nothing extraordinary.
Demo Data