Module Squibbs

Thumbnail of the map 'Module Squibbs'

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Author Gioum
Tags action author:gioum concepts cubes ded unrated
Created 2011-06-29
Last Modified 2011-06-29
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description DED to Squibbles for taking his time to review a certainly huge amount of maps, while apparently he's like the only active reviewer, I think it would be logical he could have a rest for it, because it's hard to find Review-quality maps, and uncle squibbs has done an 'ol goo' jobe at'it.

Enjoy, especially our champ of the time.

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Raid Kolapsed Tower Like a Baws Jerry-Built OrnamenStar HintHint


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I'm aware of flag, but squibs has done almost every reviwe the past few weeks


I like it.
Demo Data


reviews a lot too.