Thumbnail of the map 'AOEIA'

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Author fingersonthefrets
Tags author:fingersonthefrets giveitago rated
Created 2012-05-20
Last Modified 2012-05-20
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description not overly happy with this one, but it's not bad, give it a go.

Other maps by this author

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Creature etelpmocni amp 4-4 Smithe Honeycomb


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but they still work well together. It is quite pretty too.

wow, I wish

the maps I was happy with got this much attention hahahaha.

Thanks a bunch for playing/the feedback, guys.


Demo Data

It kind of feels like you've tried to stick too many things together...

Each individual section worked pretty well, but as a whole it became frustrating.


1337 demo

decent map. it felt too disjointed to me. in the sense that i was like entering the "rocket chamber" and "gauss section"

i like maps that flow more coherently.

on a seperate note, would you like to collaborate for my pack?
Demo Data
but I can see why you'd be unhappy with it. It seems unfinished in places, especially the drone and bottom right rocket sections, and it never really comes together as a single map for me. That said, the diversity of enemies is impressive and the bounceblock tunnel is neat.

5aved. Something about this struck me.
I entirely enjoyed it.

Not bad.

The bottom of the map was well done, except for that rocket room - it wasn't much of a challenge, so it didn't really add a whole lot. The thwump ride was cool. Enjoyed the aesthetics too.
but then i went left and it became great :O
Though that may be because I just woke up... But, nevertheless, excellent map!


Demo Data


agd-1. good enough.
Demo Data


i didn't even realise there was an exit there!


but not quite. the area underneath the gauss is my favourite. it makes me think of forests and adventure.
Demo Data
the center part was also fun (i really enjoyed getting back up). the exit area wasn't as good as the rest, but what the heck, 4/5
Demo Data

here's an AGD

Demo Data