08 - 04: Rocket Science Made The Rocket

Thumbnail of the map '08 - 04: Rocket Science Made The Rocket'

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Author BKPB58
Tags action author:bkpb58 comeback unrated
Created 2012-05-21
Last Modified 2012-05-21
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is the first level I'll be revealing from my comeback mappack "The Comeback Column"

In this one, I experimented with a "Rocket Chase" kind of level. If you comment, please do with caution: No spam or stuff like "I HATE THIS LEVEL 1!!!1" If you do hate the level, state why. I've been getting this kind of stuff lately...(like a year ago...)


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '16 - 2:Rare Gold Hunt' Thumbnail of the map '17 - 2:"It Comes With Security Cameras!"' Thumbnail of the map '18 - 0:Gravity For Everyone!' Thumbnail of the map '20 - 0:Gold Near The Earth's Core' Thumbnail of the map '23 - 1:Mt. Lazer'd' Thumbnail of the map '24 - 1:Ulterior'
16 - 2:Rare Gold Hunt 17 - 2:"It Comes With Security Cameras!" 18 - 0:Gravity For Everyone! 20 - 0:Gold Near The Earth's Core 23 - 1:Mt. Lazer'd 24 - 1:Ulterior


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