19-4: Omnipotent

Thumbnail of the map '19-4: Omnipotent'

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Author turtles
Tags author:turtles barackobama electionday josephbiden mittromney playable unrated
Created 2012-11-07
Last Modified 2012-11-07
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description One of my absolute favorites from this pack. No new concept, but I love the tiles and how it looks and it plays nicely too. I don't usually make maps like this.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '18-0: Quoth the Otter' Thumbnail of the map '18-4: Invasive' Thumbnail of the map '19-0: Wherefore the Wife Snorted' Thumbnail of the map '19-1: Blueprint on the Nile' Thumbnail of the map '19-2: Extreme Checkers' Thumbnail of the map '19-3: The Climb'
18-0: Quoth the Otter 18-4: Invasive 19-0: Wherefore the Wife Snorted 19-1: Blueprint on the Nile 19-2: Extreme Checkers 19-3: The Climb


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