Curves of Light (v.2)

Thumbnail of the map 'Curves of Light (v.2)'

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Author Frog_Da_Bomb
Tags author:frog_da_bomb n-art rated
Created 2005-12-23
Last Modified 2005-12-23
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description This is my sequil to Curves of light, only this one is better. It's a light show set up when you play it. Simply drop down, run right, then the lanch pads will take you up. looks awsome and the curve is easier to see. there's also a point where it crosses a single dot several times. this is one not to be missed. You can use it for a map as long as you tell me you are and include some credit to me.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Lost Cave' Thumbnail of the map 'Curves of Light'
The Lost Cave Curves of Light


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Nice concept, liked it even though it wasn't terribly novel

its ok

it's been done before. but this ones a little better thean some others. well not really, but 3/5.


the perenthisy got in the way,

My other map

I made one action one a while ago, it was kind late when i posted it, you guys should see it. (The Lost Cave:

Yelp, that's it

you got it. If you look at the begining, all the light's go on a curve, and then another one that is bigger and not as noticeable. After that, it's unorganized until about half way at the bottom the lasers all cross one point (looks really cool if you jump right before), then when you go on the launch pads, it's makes another curve, but too big to really be noticeable or for anyone to care. This map is mostly just a cool idea and can be put to use in level dissign. Play around with it and see what other things you can do with it ^^
and uncle_fill you have to click out of the box before you load the level
Demo Data

I can see the curve

i guess 3.5/5 too




you get stuck, you press right, and for me you flot, in mid-air, you can't go down or up