
Thumbnail of the map 'Squizdaï'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Marsoar
Tags author:marsoar fun mines playable puzzle rated
Created 2013-03-27
Last Modified 2013-03-27
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description koenigsegg things... or some shit

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Alpha-H' Thumbnail of the map 'Carbonifère' Thumbnail of the map 'Silurien' Thumbnail of the map 'CALIN' Thumbnail of the map 'STOLEN' Thumbnail of the map 'Tranchant obscur'
Alpha-H Carbonifère Silurien CALIN STOLEN Tranchant obscur


Pages: (0)

This is so awesome!

Stylistically, this is one of your best maps. I loved the overall atmosphere and flow to it. I had a blast! 5aved!

Demo Data


only100... slow

I mean, that the tiles here maybe are like too many factory'ish E-tilesets, but these had something more that make it really special and atmospheric. I think it's because how's constructed, growing to left top, ore something. I really liked them. XD

I think it has some planning. Also, an awesome atmosphere and tiles.
Congrats at 100 Marsoar!!! 5

seems a bit random


i kinda liked it.

Demo Data