Thumbnail of the map 'SRCH-NGN ORACLE'

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Author deep_blue
Tags author:deep_blue masks-tilepack unrated
Created 2014-02-02
Last Modified 2014-02-02
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description yet another mask! but this one is special - it has a task coming together with it.
The thing is, my friend and I, after looking at this tileset, have found more than just a mask.
here's a list that you can spot: a lady in visor, koala, smiling lion, an ant, a little anrgy face, monkey ritualitstic wear, and a smiling bear. If you can spot them all, you're cool! but if you can find even more and post it here, you might get a ded from me! (depends on what will be my favourite)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Kamu' Thumbnail of the map 'NOISEHUNTA' Thumbnail of the map '@A. you even rift?' Thumbnail of the map 'BURNLION' Thumbnail of the map 'MEH-MEH TRIBE MASK' Thumbnail of the map 'haacu'


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I see myself.

Incidentally, that same thing as your friend and you felt, I felt days ago with another of your masks, with BURNLION, every day I saw that mask saw new faces and factions, new states, new personalities. Although I said nothing, I liked that.

Here I see 'El Patxi', a junkie in my neighborhood, walking with his head down, looking plastic on the floor for snorting or smoking cigarette butts. He walks always sad, it's a crazy, completely crazy, and is unable to express a logical sentence when speaking. It is a good crazy in my neighborhood. This mask reminds me of him.

"We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin."
I've realized how busy it became my life.


Forgot the rate.
The big eyes on the top, the bottom part in the middle is the bottom of the mouth and the large upside-down v shape is the top of the mouth. Cool tile art!
frog or a pissed of lizard. The round eyes in the top corners, the cheeks beneath. More so from the tumbnail I guess. Lovin' these mask tilesets keep 'em coming!