Enter Droneman

Thumbnail of the map 'Enter Droneman'

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Author SpartaX18
Tags author:spartax18 droney playable shattered squarey unrated
Created 2014-09-08
Last Modified 2015-04-10
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Rocket room is kinda easy-ish, but I had no idea + other enemies made it....meh....


Link to the 2.0 version:

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And here's another bottleneck, very little left now. I do think this is optimal now.
Demo Data


Pretty decent
Demo Data

Sub-600 Speedrun

Boom bottleneck beaten xD
Demo Data


Not sure if optimal route, but its reaching its max due to the bottleneck.
Demo Data


Even Though Gold placement doesn't gets me, that Thwump/drone synergy is quite nice.