Beyond Everything

Thumbnail of the map 'Beyond Everything'

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Author lifdoff
Tags action author:lifdoff hard jumper playable unrated
Created 2014-12-01
Last Modified 2014-12-11
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Yada yada yada. You know the deal: jumper. Gold makes it harder, but only marginally.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Short Circuit' Thumbnail of the map 'Shadow of the Viaduct' Thumbnail of the map 'Rome Fell' Thumbnail of the map 'Inferior' Thumbnail of the map 'Psychosis' Thumbnail of the map 'Root Rot'
Short Circuit Shadow of the Viaduct Rome Fell Inferior Psychosis Root Rot


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hey lifdoff

sorry for calling you a fake
i'm sorry you are a great person :D
lets be friends xD

Great run.

And anyone who has the skill to use that shortcut, quite frankly, deserves it.


Thought you made this map uncheatable, didn't you? Never underestimate the ingenuity of a top-tier highscorer :P But, if you had originally submitted the map as is, I don't think I would have found this. The jump that I skip was hard enough in the original that it made me look for possible alternative routes. So, its a much tougher jump/route, but saves a good chunk of time.

Speaking of time, this isn't too bad of a time for essentially doing the whole map twice xD Still have a hard time believing that I survived the missed jump at the end. Also really like the tiny roaring dinosaur at the bottom. Twice I escaped his gaping jaws as he tried to devour me :P
Demo Data


At least I got some sort of a demo up tonight :) Gonna try a bit for an agd for you, but no promises because of the time.
Demo Data


Be glad you're not a warehouse slave, I mean... worker. The last 3 weeks I've averaged about 47 or so hours each week, and that's with only working one weekend day at all. Rest of the time its been just in 5 days. Last week I got 37 or 38, because I didn't have to go in at all on Thanksgiving (but at least I get paid for that day anyways). Again, small victories and all that.

Cool, looks like that will be a bit easier. Maybe I'll try for a run tonight yet, but first I've got to go to my second (I know, right?!) job and then it'll be pretty close to bedtime by the time I get home. Looks like tomorrow's gonna be close to 12 hours at the warehouse, but at least I have the night off. Gotta love the small victories, right?
Yeah anyway, thanks for your feedback. I have also slightly edited the previous jump, meaning that this is still a challenging map, but nowhere near as bad as it initially was. Funny, I really like it a lot more now, so thanks for the comments, I guess. :D


Will try later, no promises exactly when. To be fair, that last jump technically wasn't impossible, I got it once while testing routes in NED, just next-to-impossible. That edit makes it, not exactly easy, but very doable. It's still the 2 jumps before that I am having trouble with as well, but at least there's hope now of actually finishing the level lol.

If you're waiting till I'm less stressed, don't hold your breath. Working in a warehouse this time of year means crazy hours for the rest of this month :P

Jesus, I'm stupid.

I just looked at this and for some reason I accidentally posted map data that is not the correct version on NUMA - the version in my userlevels has in fact accounted for the impossibilty of that last jump.

The upload has been corrected. A shame that you weren't able to enjoy this one, golf. Maybe give it a try again when you're less stressed out, and also when the last jump is actually doable. :P

No demo

Was going to get a death demo up until the jump to the switch, because that is just too tough of a jump especially at the end of a difficult jumper like this. But then I got too frustrated by not even getting that far, not being able to get to the last gold, so I gave up. I would even say that the gold collection is much easier than just completion, never really have problems with that.

Maybe I'm just starting to get the accumulation of too much work over the last month and I'm a little more snappy. I feel like this is a shame though, because I've really enjoyed the last couple jumpers you've made.