[S5W1] Amazonia - By Blizz

Thumbnail of the map '[S5W1] Amazonia - By Blizz'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author shomman
Tags author:shomman blizz competition npoints s5w1 unrated
Created 2015-12-10
Last Modified 2015-12-10
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description NPoints Season 5, Week 1.
This week's theme is Best of Nv2, featuring maps from some of the best Nv2 mappers.

Map 3, made by Blizz

Week 1 mappack:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Repetitive Blue [S000]' Thumbnail of the map 'An open, more relaxed feel' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Towers- Inspired By Metanet [S001]' Thumbnail of the map 'Bumpy Speedrun #1 - Original Tiles by Andrew_99' Thumbnail of the map 'Repetitive Blue Two [S002]' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Towers [S003]'
Repetitive Blue [S000] An open, more relaxed feel Drone Towers- Inspired By Metanet [S001] Bumpy Speedrun #1 - Original Tiles by Andrew_99 Repetitive Blue Two [S002] Drone Towers [S003]


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Sure dude.

C'mon Shomman, I think u should've mentioned that the mapper used N2 er 'hollow tiles', so his map made more sense than this aesthetically