Thumbnail of the map 'DDA1'

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Author Margrave
Tags author:margrave dda unrated
Created 2006-02-02
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My first DDA, but not my first map


Pages: (0)


dude if this is the best u can do....just give up!! Way too many launch pads, rocket is not well hidden and the gold is unreachable!!!! seriously! get better ideas. and dont use too much stuff!!
Demo Data


That was just a waste of time, i couldn't even finish it becuase of the rocket. 0/5


I didn't do anything, but look:
Demo Data


I mean... did you put any effort into that? It almost seemed like you meant for the map not only to look horridly made, but also the rocket placement is perfect to make the viewer wonder, "Why did I watch this?"