Woven Weeds

Thumbnail of the map 'Woven Weeds'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Tempus_Fugit
Tags author:tempus_fugit playable rated survival
Created 2006-12-31
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Well. I made a survivial.

Lets get some demos!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Underworld- Part XXIII- Boulder Jumble' Thumbnail of the map 'Cyclopean Tower Scene' Thumbnail of the map 'Crumbles of Red' Thumbnail of the map 'Sea-Juice Tea' Thumbnail of the map 'Ascend An Artificial Aluminum Alligator' Thumbnail of the map 'Centerified Descent'
Underworld- Part XXIII- Boulder Jumble Cyclopean Tower Scene Crumbles of Red Sea-Juice Tea Ascend An Artificial Aluminum Alligator Centerified Descent


Pages: (0)

Wel, yes...

you could do that, Spiker, but its more fun to try for the gold. Congrats anyways.


Demo Data


But very fun. 4/5


Demo Data

my best,

only a couple of tries.
interesting concept, I've never seen it before.
Demo Data

My best so far...

At least, while trying to get the side gold. That can be trick, but I know its possible.
Demo Data