Think your really a jumpmaster? Or JumpExpert? or whatever

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Author Neath_X
Tags author:neath_x test unrated
Created 2007-01-15
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ***=_+** ALL IS POSSIBLE **+_=***

Think your a jump master? then try this! as least well i'll make a hard version later

0 packs of gold=you either stink at this or you stink at this
1 pack of gold= Hey at least you know how to wall jump

2 packs of gold= Those were easy and simple ones

3 packs of gold= Not bad but not good either

4 packs of gold= Nice! you squeeze in fast enough!

5 packs of gold= Expert-Jumper

6 packs of gold= Mastered

Completing= MastMastered-lol

Easy Version?

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Pages: (0)

4 packs

and then horrific explosions.
Demo Data
Demo Data
The last part with the locked doors is really hard. I keep exploding when I hit the door.

1st attempt

4 packs
Demo Data