
Thumbnail of the map 'Retribution'

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Author nutter
Tags author:nutter playable race rated
Created 2007-02-05
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description This is my first race map and it has a fast moving flow. Thanks to sanguine_is_blood for the original tileset inpiration. The Traps (drones, mines, and turrets) of this map are generally harmeless. They are placed to kill players who arent moving fast enough with the flow. This map took me a long time to tweak to make perfect. I hope you enjoy it! Theres Demo included below if your stuck. Please comment but remember to rate so I know what to improve for future races. - Enjoy -

Other maps by this author

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Getting Into Trouble Simple Challenge I Simple Challenge II


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the answer to your question is yes, any way you cna get your request to me, and i expect nothing but credits to me, My e-mail is


- please stop spamming my map -


How bout giving him some actual constructive criticism, instead of comparing him with another, ambiguous map?


i have tilesets , just search my name, also ask me to make one, dont be afraid, but be specific like, open action themed towards diagonals or flowy digital long race map, okay? << open to ANYONE

To be honest,

I thought that the map below was a whole lot better :/

4/5 for a first race.


modern_ancient and I both borrowed the tileset, and made levels.. and credited the original set maker


if you have any more tilesets show me, I have some creative ideas for future races =P



how'd you find my levl?? anyway, i like it, much improved, fun, and even though the flow may be a bit choppy, and sometimes(once) hard to find, its a 4.5/5

Amazing first race map...


Use if your stuck or annoyed.
Demo Data