
Thumbnail of the map 'hex-agony'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author JTROX
Tags author:jtrox n-art playable unrated
Created 2007-07-08
Last Modified 2007-08-17
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I'm doing a new map series, entitled Death By Geometry. This is the first map (No, really?). Watch out for the obnoxious laser drones and chaingun drones near the corners, but the biggest threat is the "death row" in the center. Thwumps, Homing Drones, etc. Look for map number 2, Tri-al, coming soon.

EDIT: Removed about 2/3 of the gold by popular demand.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'dagger' Thumbnail of the map 'dead end' Thumbnail of the map 'pinbumpers' Thumbnail of the map 'musket' Thumbnail of the map 'basilisk' Thumbnail of the map 'death by punctuation'
dagger dead end pinbumpers musket basilisk death by punctuation


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reeferattack, please do not use expletives on my maps. They irk me.

Shikamaru92, I have not encountered any lag, but I have removed most of the gold anyway.
1. no, the chaingun drones and lasers are just as threatening if not more so than the middle things.
2. not only did it take long to load, but it was so slow playing because of the gold(waaaay to much gold) that i couldnt do practically anything without dying.

fucking weird.

long load time because of all the gold. strange level, yet semi-enjoyable. 3/5