Drone Map (Now with 120% more mines)

Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Map (Now with 120% more mines)'

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Author eNlightened
Tags author:enlightened droid playable race rated remix
Created 2009-04-05
Last Modified 2009-04-05
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description This is an improved (IMO) version of a map IndianSummer made like 3 years ago. I stumbled upon it, played it and felt that it was a good map and decided to try and fix it up. I ended up having to use the rest of the tile-set to make it work... unfortunately it ended up uglier because of it. As usual with my maps, I made it too hard so I fixed it. I still have 3 other versions (much harder, harder, and easier) if anyone wants to play them ask and the code is yours. No real point posting them. I think this turned out pretty good for my second map. Also, I spammed gold because I still am unsure of how to play custom levels in a non "practice" kind of way. With timer, etceteras and I didn't want to make the level impossible. Oh, and if Summer wants me to take this down I will. Just tell me. His map is here:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Frustration'


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Let's take a look at your next map :D
It has about 300+ mines in it, that's not less mines :D

Sorry, i just saw your message that says "don't rate non-simple challenge maps". I can't understand why did you ask this but i'm stopping now ^^

First try sup 4000.

God how did I use to find this hard?
Demo Data

that was

the hardest thing ive almost completed. lol
5aved ;D

p.s. Thanks for commenting my maps! :D
I should make an easier cleaner version of this someday. Still, I think the short jump after the mines (where you died boon) is cool, if a bit too hard. Easy once you got used to it.

Also, thx guys, by the time I came back for my 10 day leave I had comments on all my maps. I appreciate that.

quite difficult

but worth a 3.6 :)
I have a completion demo [] for icarus but it can still be improved by far...

Dang that

was really fun! I couldn't get past the laser drones though.
I say 4/5 I would go 5/5 but I think that the mines were taken a bit far. Enjoyed the beginning lol. Had to reposition 2 times haha. so 4/5 grats!
Demo Data

Oh and yeah I know,

the mines look ugly. This was before I played anyone else's maps though so I didn't really think about the aesthetics.
from a 3 to a 4... Now I just need one more vote...
Easily 4/5.

Just a suggestion though, mines directly next to each other don't look that good .


very fun mine jumper.

There we go.

Completion demo. I even gave the drones a little time to catch up at the bottom. It gets easy after the ascent. Anyways good night.
Demo Data
I think it's possible though. I've gotten to the vertical path directly to the left of where you start (so the very end of the level) without dieing about 6 times but I always get killed there. I think it is possible but the mines panic me out. I might make an edit at least eliminating those mines. Thanks for the comments, this map is finally getting some attention after being the only one without it.

Not bad

I like how the difficulty level increases progressively. Quite easy at the start, can get annoying but I'm not sure if the dronepath makes it possible. I died, and after that I saw the drones double back and work their way through the intestines . Well placed mines, but yeah some are unnecessary.
Like around 40% lol.

Is it



Wrong Map

Demo Data
@HisTime: Lol k. I'm sorry, being a noob I have trouble with enemy AI. Constants such Gauss, Missile, Mines and Thumps therefore appeal to me. Next map I will try for more variety and less mines :D. I just couldn't handle the AI correctly without making it double back on itself and I didn't want to leave the ENTIRE left path without obstacle. Would be very boring.

@ SkyPanda: I noticed all the maps I played of his were from 2006. However I obvs didn't have a chance to play through all of them. From what I saw though I thought he might be gone. I was unsure though so I was trying to be better safe than sorry and get his permission if he was here.


thought indiansummer left a few years ago.. :?


It´s more easy than ur first map but,can u stop spamming mines everywhere?:D